No need invitationt
With this system you can activate WhatsApp calls, and you will not need an invitation to access them. Yes you should know that, in fact, call servers are disabled. What does that mean? You will not be able to make calls, but you'll have activated this feature when servers active again. If the servers are activated for a while and is an invitation to be necessary, you are not going to need, and may for that you had to make this process now, with this version of the application.What do you need?
For this you only need a specific version of the application, which is 2.11.536. It is best to download and install arriving directly from your smartphone to APK Mirror. Also, you'll need a rooted smartphone and Root Explorer files like ES File Explorer. In addition, you'll need just a few minutes, it is a very simple process. Let’s start.1. Clear the cache and close WhatsApp
First, in this order, you'll have to clear the cache of the application, and then force the closure of WhatsApp. These two actions are going to make from the same place. Go to Settings, then Applications, and here looking WhatsApp and tap on it. You will see several options, but you are interested primarily related to the cache. Search Clear cache and tap on it. Then look for the button Force stop that appears at the top section of this window.2. File Explorer
It's time to go to locate the file you'll have to edit. To do this, run ES File Explorer. First you need to activate the Root exploration, for which you tap on the button in the top left corner to open all options for this application, and then go to the Tools tab, where you have to activate the options Explorer Root and Show Hidden Files.3. Files to edit
To locate the file to edit you’ll have to go to the root of files from your smartphone. You only have to press the button of the root in ES File Explorer. If you do not appear, browse a bit trying to upload folders to reach the final. Then comes first data, then again in data, and find the folder com.whatsapp, near the end of everything. This opens shared_prefs, and opens the file com.whatsapp_preferences, which could have a similar name to your smartphone, although the very beginning.4. Insert the code
Clicking on the upper right button Edit option will appear. Taking the file being edited, you have to find theFinally, press Back, and then the application will ask if you want to save the file. You confirm, without doing anything else, turn off your smartphone.
Voice call option is now available to all users of Android. Read more at: